Ideas on how to prepare for the Event
Important Things to Do Now:
Mark your Calendar to attend Summer Camp Expo
Make a list of Things to ask the camps (see below for ideas)
Think about what type of camps you think your child would like.
Come ready to learn about so many new camps.
Schedule a medical check-up. Many camps require medical forms with the application
7 Tips for Finding the Right Summer Camp
1.Set your Expectations
Define what the Right camp means to you and your Camper.
What do you or your Camper want from the Camp, Learn something new, hone a current interest, or just meeting new people.
Make sure you are speaking the right terminology to your Tween or Teen maybe Summer Camp is not the correct word and maybe sports camp, Pre college camp or Camp to explore nature.
If you and your Camper are on the same page while attending the Camp Expo you are more likely to find a Camp both of you Love.
2. Select the Right Genre of Camp
Special Needs
3. Decide on Day or Overnight Camps
Day Camp work best for younger kids and ones who are still anxious about being away from home
Overnight Camps are great if your child is ready to show some independence or is socially ready to interact more away from their parents
4. The Setting of the Camp Experience
Some are at a University to give a first look at looking forward to college
Others are in a grade school or local business so still familiar
others are outdoors at a local park or museum
5. Find the right instructor
Search reviews on instructors from previous camp
look for credentials of teachers
ask how long they have been teaching that camp
If possible ask for reference of previous camps
An instructor can make or break a camp
6. Price of Camp
decide what you get from the camp opposed to the price
Technical or Stem camps often cost more because of the equipment
Make sure you are paying for what you need like early pick up/late drop off
Price is more than just how much it cost, what are you getting in return
7. Research A lot to get the Right Camps
attending the Camp Expo
Visit the Camps you like before Camp
Check references
Ask how long the current camp has been in business
How long the current instructor has been in place
Possible Questions for Camps at the Expo
What is the camp’s philosophy?
Are reviews available from families whose children have attended the camp?
How are medical emergencies handled?
What are the ages of the counselors?
What is the ratio of counselors to campers?
How are persons with special needs accommodated for?
What is the camp's refund policy?
Is the camp accredited with the American Camping Association?
What kind of training do staff receive?
What kinds of facilities are on-site?
What is a typical day’s schedule?
What are your safety protocols?
What nutritional guidelines do you follow?/(or do we pack lunch?)
Is there a nurse on duty?
How far away is the camp?
What is special about this camp?
What does the camp’s programming involve
What are the enrollment options?
What percentage of the campers return each year?
How long has the camp been in business?
What is the background and experience of camp directors?
Does the camp offer any promotions?
How can I keep track of my child’s progress?
What kind of camper is most likely to have a good experience at this camp?
For Day Camps:
Is transportation available?
Are meals/snacks provided?
Print out the Form below and have your child fill it in. This will help get a conversation started about the right
types of camps for your child.
Click PDF button to download a copy of the document.